You guys know I don’t post on here very often. I post when something means a lot to me. Well something means a lot to me at this point in my life and I need to speak about it. This will guaranteed be a long post, so move on if you aren’t into long ones!
Suzanne and I see blogging not just as a way for people to get a glimpse into our life, but mostly as a type of “online journal” that someday our kids will be able to look back at. Scrapbooking for the 21st century without having to buy all that acid free bull crap paper and silly scissors. (I apologize to the scrapbookers out there, I’m sure yours are beautiful!) As far as the online journal goes, I really want my kids someday to look back and see how their dad felt about an important topic, and which side of the fence he sat on. Look at this post as if you were listening in to the conversation I would have with my kids if they were a little older and understood these topics, although I am sure they understand a lot right now. If you are offended I am sorry, this is how I feel.
The issue: Politics and Religion—here we go!!!!
I assume that all of you know my wife and I are LDS (Mormon) unless there are random people we don’t even know looking at this blog, which is unlikely but possible. I want to make sure that is known up front so you can see where I am coming from. Some people would say religion and politics are not connected, but the God I believe in says all things are temporal and spiritual and so I believe politics are intensely spiritual by their nature. By the end of this I will tell you who will get my vote for president. I voted for George Bush in the last two elections, and I have been disappointed in how things have gone. He has let me down as a social and fiscal conservative. I think he missed a huge opportunity to accomplish great good for our country and the world, and it is a shame.
I am going to choose to ignore the issue of the environment and whether or not global warming is something caused by man. I do this for the following reason: It is nowhere near the most important issue facing our country right now. Instead I will discuss a few of what I consider to be the more pressing issues at this time.
Let me start by telling you what I believe about this country. Most of my beliefs about it are tied directly to the teachings of my church. This is because I have grown up as a Mormon and have a testimony that the church is correct in its teachings. I believe this country is a direct result of God’s direction and inspiration to the founders of this country. The constitution was directed by Him (D & C 101:77, 80). Because I believe this to be true, I believe the rights allowed us as citizens in that document to be rights given by God. These rights do not come from “constitutional scholars” or politicians. God gave them to us. If you haven’t read the constitution lately, please do it again with your children, teach them about it and what it says.
Unfortunately, many politicians today seem to be moving further and further away from what I believe to be a sacred document. Government is intruding more and more in the lives of us as a people making it more difficult to be free. People who take a risk and succeed in life are punished by paying excessive taxes, and they are told it is just “their fair share” and will make them “feel more patriotic.” (see Joe Biden).
I will use this opportunity to say I have worked my &*% off to get where I am today and I am offended by those statements. I grew up in a family that would be considered by most to be lower middle or upper lower class. I earned a scholarship for college by studying like crazy in high school, I skipped countless activities in school to study instead and now finally have achieved my goal of my desired profession. I chose it. I could have chosen to have fun and perhaps now have a job that provided less for my income. My choice either way. Don’t punish me for it. I know God couldn’t care less (side note: always been a pet peeve when I hear someone say “I could care less” instead of “I couldn’t care less”) what job any of us have or how much money we make. He has so many more important things to worry about, like whether or not we are doing a good job as a spouse, parent, and neighbor. However, I do believe he wants us to be happy in doing whatever job we choose (and I include the job of Mother as the most difficult, important, and noble job in the world) and I do not believe God has ever punished someone for working hard. His own tax plan is fair, although he goes even further by making tithing OPTIONAL, something I am definitely not promoting for government.
Well that briefly covers my attitude about taxes and where I believe God stands. Don’t punish people who work hard, it makes them want to work less.
This seems like a good transition point to the idea that “Jesus was a liberal.” I have heard that before, often from people in my church who believe in liberal ideals. They often cite references to the scriptures about Jesus’ life and how He cared for people. He did help the downtrodden, maimed, weak, possessed, even dead! I agree and believe this to be true, but the question is how did He help them? I don’t recall the reference where Jesus said “government should help the downtrodden.” Please let me know where that one is. It seems to me His teaching was that PEOPLE should help PEOPLE if they choose to do so, and PEOPLE should often help themselves out of their situation. (Remember the man who had to go wash HIMSELF to be healed of leprosy? Why did he have to do any of the work, why didn’t God just heal him on the spot????)
If Jesus was a liberal (and I don’t believe He was), why isn’t He a liberal now? This will be the point in my post where I make liberal Mormons angry, but that is just how I feel. The church provides welfare to people throughout the world and also locally. Mormon “helping hands,” not Mormon “hand outs.” The church works along side people helping them through tragedy, but also teaches people the value of working for themselves and lifting themselves up. If a Bishop gives assistance to a family, they are expected to use that assistance to work in some way for what they receive, overcome their problem and not have it happen again by being smarter and working harder in the future. (We are saved by grace, AFTER ALL WE CAN DO. 2 Nephi 25:23)
The LDS church does not make any statements as to how people in the church should vote politically, except in the cases of moral issues it deems to be important. However, most people would agree that the majority of active Mormons would consider themselves conservative. (I am going to assume an 80% conservative rate, just for the sake of argument, although I would guess it is closer to 90%.) Why are they conservative? Is that just by dumb luck? Why is it such a majority? If there is a right and wrong choice, who is more likely to be correct? If Jesus believes abortion is wrong and men should only marry women would He support people who don’t? Could I stand in front of Christ and say “you have it wrong….they love each other, what’s the big deal about them getting married? It was a bad time in her life and she just couldn’t have dealt with the baby, aborting it was the right thing, and good thing we had legal abortion huh?” Are you kidding me? Believe me I have many things in my life to be embarrassed and ashamed about in front of my Maker but there is no way I will stand in front of Him and say I supported people who took those views. I believe in living prophets, and living prophets have been extremely clear on these two topics….it is wrong and we shouldn’t support it. By extension we shouldn’t support candidates who do. I know, I know, “but I have gay friends” you might say. Well so do I, but that doesn’t make it right. God loves gays, I agree. But if God and His prophet tell me to fight against gay marriage I am willing to do it. Easy as that. If that includes supporting Proposition 8 in California then fine with me. God said to.
The Book of Mormon is a true book, and we can learn lessons from it for our day. I won’t go into the specifics but I refer you to the story about the Freemen and Kingmen…who is who in today’s politics? Why do so many people today want to give more and more power to the government, rather than leaving the power where it should be, with the people? Remember WE THE PEOPLE? Who are the terrorists in the Book of Mormon stories?
This is already way too long, and I could go on forever on these and many other topics, but let me summarize a bit.
God created this planet.
God designed this country and was directly involved in its organization.
I love this country and am willing to fight for what I think is right, including (and not to be dramatic) with my own life if I need to.
Protecting this country from evil is in the best interest of God, His church, and us as his children.
The free market and a democratic republic as organized by the founding fathers are better than socialism.
Politicians are taking away the ideals of this country by cleverly disguising them in the name of “Tolerance” and “Freedom” and “Choice.”
Politicians have way too much power and are intruding more and more on our lives as citizens, over taxing, over spending, and dictating how my money should be spent.
Moral issues such as gay marriage and abortion have been clearly discussed by prophets who speak to God, and they have asked us to fight against these as evils.
If Jesus was a liberal, He isn’t now, and He isn’t real big on the switching back and forth thing, He seems to be a “same now and forever” kind of guy.
Although “progressives” see the “sheep mentality” as bad, Jesus himself described us as His sheep. Perhaps looking to the prophets and the majority of active Mormons for guidance has less of a chance of steering us the wrong direction than going against the grain would. Ask yourselves what is it about Obama that makes him so attractive to the people in Hollywood? If any one group of people go completely against me in everything I believe about God it is them. That is one group of sheep I don’t want to be caught dead with! Also, I think it is a fair question to ask yourself who President Monson will and will not be voting for. He is a man who talks to God and sees the future. I think he votes accordingly, and chooses candidates he feels are the most likely to promote the work of God. Is that Obama?
I don’t want our country taken away from us by liberal ideals.
In two weeks we will have the chance to vote for president of the United States. Was Jesus wrong when he wrote the constitution? Was that just too old school? I want my kids to know that in 2008, when the economy was bad, the terrorists (gadianton robbers) were at our doorstep, and the politicians (kingmen) were promoting their ideals and their power, I DID NOT vote for Barack Obama. He will likely win the election, but I want them to know it wasn’t with my support. So my vote is NOT BARACK OBAMA. Please don’t assume by this I am voting for John McCain…I agree with him on his moral stands and his military/foreign policy, but his economics stink like a big pile of liberal over spending. All of this puts me in a position where I will most likely be voting but not for either of the two “big party” candidates.
May God continue to bless the USA like he has in the past. I hope we are not heading down the wrong side of the Book of Mormon cycle, but I fear we are. Too many people are being pacified and led to believe our founding fathers had it wrong all along.
wow. And I thought I wrote long posts. Way to put it out there and piss off all your neighbors. Can I say "piss off" on a CONSERVATIVE blog? I am not sure.
Loved what you had to say.. and I agreed with most of it. except for saying that 80-90% of Mormons are conservative. I think it's more like 74.8%.
We loved hanging out with you and your fam. I think Ben and Ashtyn really have something special. You feed her little comments about how fun it would be to marry Ben and I will play a subliminal message CD in his bedroom while he's asleep. It will be a summer wedding in 2024. And it will be fancy.. because the bride's family pays for it. Don't worry, we'll take care of the flowers and tuxes.
If you guys can beat us in Euchre before Feb and we will join you on the Disney cruise. (or maybe you'll "try to lose" again because you don't want us there!)
Oh, Jason, I think I could leave a comment as long as your post! All I have to say is that there are many different ways of looking at things. We can both read the book of Mormon, attend the temple, and be faithful members of the church, while having political views that couldn't possibly be more different. I'm grateful to live in a country and belong to a religion where that is possible. And, unlike you, I believe the candidate I support protects, rather than jeopardizes that freedom.
All I can say is thank you! I needed to hear some of that right now. -Jill
I know, it is strange how we can be so completely opposite in one thing (politics), and completely agree on another (religion), but that is just how it goes :) ...thanks for all this nice weather lately, you and your coworkers are doing a good job this fall, much better than last year!
Thanks, Jason. That was a very good post. This is a very different year for me politically--(probably for alot of people)--I've studied more, read more, fought more, and changed my mind more than any other year in my recollection.
Having two boys close to draft age while the country is in the middle of a war has made me want to make sure I understand EXACTLY where the candidates are coming from.
I appreciated your thoughts, alot.
Although I'm not particularly a religious person, all I can say is AMEN! (which means I agree, right?)
sis Wendy
Jas, That was a great post. Thanks you for putting things in the light for me.
Your the best
Jason I liked reading your post.
We are both NOT voting for the same person.
I also like reading the comments, way to stir the pot. :)
We are fighting prop 102 down here in AZ, same as prop 8 in CA. This one has me a little fired up.
I even put a sign in my yard. This election has a way of bringing out the politics in all of us.
Hope you guys are doing well up there. I am sure you get random text from Ty every now and then. that is his way of keeping in touch. :)
Dear Jason,
I have read your post and all your comments and as one of your neighbors that fall into the 20% [or is it 10%, or 25.2%, or perhaps more who remain in camo to avoid being accosted by angry conservatives?] I am not "pissed off," rather, I admire the conviction with which your present your argument.
We certainly fall in different places in the political spectrum, but there is really only one item you spoke of that I would like to address: Was Jesus wrong when he wrote the constitution? Perhaps you were merely using a bit of hyperbole for effect while in the home stretch of your post, nonetheless, I really think that Jesus would take issue with such an assertion. Do you think Christ would have anything to do with the three-fifths compromise? An explicit exclusion of rights for Indians [Native Americans for the PC crowd]? Womenfolk? Indentured servants?
At best, an interpolation gone awry, at worst, blasphemy.
I do believe the authors of the constitution were inspired men, [in case there is any doubt, inspired by God] but just as flawed as your or me.
I, too, will likely be voting third party this year, though for very different reasons than yours. I hope we can still be friends and I won't be greeted at your stretch of the sidewalk with a pitchfork while walking my dog.
Your liberal neighbor [though for the record, I prefer "progressive"],
Disclaimer: statements made here do not necessarily represent the views of the greater Chappell family.
Thanks for your comments, I am glad you made them.
As for my statements about Jesus and his writing of the constitution, I do not mean to claim I understand why He did what He did, and whether or not the 3/5 compromise was part of His plan. In the same light I have no idea why the priesthood was denied to those of African descent for so long and why polygamy was part of our church in the past (I'm sure we ALL agree we are glad it isn't part of the current church plan. :) ) Often as members of the church it seems we are asked to take things on faith, believing in things we don't fully understand, and I take the Savior's statements in the D & C about the constitution on faith, as I know you do too.
I hope you are just teasing about the pitchfork comment :( , and I don't know why people who disagree can't be friends, two of my best friends, Jacob and Tex, completely disagree with me on everything about politics AND religion, and still we absolutely get along and would do anything for each other. I have progressive friends, progressive coworkers, and even progressive sisters in law, and I don't hold any ill will toward any of them for their views. (Ask Nanette if I have ever hurt her cool Turtle :) ) After all, that is what makes this country and God's plan great--we are all in this together. So take off your camo, don't worry about me hurting your dog, and tell as many people as you can what can be done to make and keep this country as great as it is destined to be! Who knows, you just may get my write-in vote!
Your Grandpa Poulsen would be very proud of your thoughts. He knew my affiliation or at least my leaning toward conservatism but I always understood him and where he came from. As a WW II veteran he hated war as he experienced some of the bloodiest times in the Pacific. The Lord spared him to raise kids and grandkids to bring up to make this world better.
Grandpa was a Democrat but not the kind of democrat today's democrats portray. They have made it a bastard step child of socialism. Your Grandpa was thanked personally by JFK for his work here in Utah on his behalf for the Presidency and Grandpa was proud of that. Everyone knows the famous lines in JFK's Inagural speech but doing for your country does not mean to rob from the rich and give to the poor it is simply give back what you can when you can to this great nation and its people ---your neighbors. We don't need to keep writing checks to toss out the window on the DC BELTWAY to social programs that don't work and only keep the poor, poor and the lazys to continue to be lazy.
The warnings of the Prophets are clear and the scriptures are just as clear about today's social environment as they were when they were first written.
Teach a man to fish. There is no shame in hard work no matter what it is. The pleasure of putting your own money on the kitchen table is wonderful.
With the economic climate going on as it is I must tell some of you who read this comment that many of my generation know what it is like to be turned down for a loan. The bankers used to say you can only afford this and that is it.So if you wanted more you went out and got it yourself. Recently Glenn Beck has been talking about the Trophy Generation. You all know who these kids are and they are now entering the workforce.
When I played Little League Baseball and Hockey we did not all get a trophy if we did not win or earn something. When I was on the winning side it was great and felt I earned it. If I was on the losing side and many times I was more than the winning side I learned something and realized that I want to do better and when I did win it was so sweet. As I watch my Grandkids play sports and do things I hope that they realize that doing your best and losing does not warrant a trophy but you can rest assured you did your best and you will do better next time and the outcome may be different. To not keep score dumbs down the world. If we keep the commandments of God and keep trying to do better we will win. If we falter and pick ourselves up to do better we win. We need to teach all to keep getting back up.
Many would say to you,Son that you would be wasting your vote to go third party but you are not at all doing that. You are voicing your opinion to the loser and the winner in the two parties that you are not happy and those if the few million and maybe more who do vote third party do anything it is to say that we are fed up with Republicans and Democrats and those special interest who jump into the pockets of these yahoos and tell us what they want not what we want.
There is so much to say about Presidential elections but if one has sat in History class or American Problems class you know that the President does not make the government. He/ She (for you PC freaks) is one part and we all need to look at your local and state representatives. Watch out for the wolves amoung us.
To all of you who have read my Son's Blog you know he is a good man and he did all he has done on his own and I remember when he would step on the ice to play hockey as a young boy I would grab him by the face mask and look into his eyes and say have fun and do your best. He has done this all his life in doing his best. All of my kids strive to do their best and Jason has been a great big brother to his sisters Kristi, Trisha, Brittany,and Aubri.
I know that if and when I leave this world that Jason will take the head of the Poulsen Family and serve it well by his being the big brother.
This was a long comment post but the testimony and some thoughts from Jason's Dad may see where he gets "some" of his attributes from but much of what Jason is as in all of our kids comes from teachers and leaders who taught in school and church.
Hi guys! I should have known you had a blog, but I never thought to ask. So, now we're not only cousins but blogging buddies as well! Jason, that was very well put and I agree 100%. This election has been insane and I'm worried about the future of our country too. I love your thoughts about the scriptures and Christ. Amen! Our blog is
Haha, I am glad my dissent was met with good humor! I didn't mean to imply that you would hurt my dog, Nanette's turtle or any animal for that matter. That was just in ill conceived joke [in my little head the pitchfork would have been aimed at me...] added because I was a bit nervous leaving such a long-winded cheeky comment about an issue that we both feel very strongly about.
Frankly, whatever the views, I am always pleased to find people who actually care about politics enough to read up and be thoughtful. Apathy and "sound bite" education are running rampant these days.
I couldn't agree more. Suz is always saying how impressed she is by how intelligent and well informed you are, and the more people inform themselves on all of the issues we face the better off we will all be! :)
jason, finally had time to read your post and have a lot to say, but you know how once i get started i will likely open up my big fat mouth and get half my family ticked off at me as well as my wife - because unlike you i have no tact, exhibit no decorum, and believe progressive is the antithesis of what liberals actually are.
so for now i'll let this simmer a bit and just say that i truly believe for one to be liberal you have to truly be stupid and/or ignorant of the basic facts of economics, or so idealistically out there that reality doesn't enter the equation.
to all my socialist friends and careful of what you hope for, for change is all you're gonna have left after barry, the racist chicago street thug, gets done "spreading the wealth" from those of us "patriotic" americans that actually produce something and pay over half our income in taxes to those that pay little to nothing - and still complain.
but since more than half the country would rather ride in the cart than help pull it y'all better buckle up cause its gonna be a freakin bumpy ride. i just hope there's something left to salvage when this upcoming national (and hence worldwide) nightmare draws to and end in four years. get out of debt, don't do anything risky, and get a good accountant. ciao for now, dave
disclaimer: I don't think liberals are stupid and if I had a cork I'd stick it in Dave's mouth but since he is my husband I'll just have to settle for giving him "the look" when I see him next.
Wendy, the embarrased wife of Dave
rebuttal to embarrassed wife:
after receiving the "look" i feel i must respond. you will note i said that many liberals are neither stupid nor ignorant but idealistic. all of my dear sibling-in-laws and well-educated lawyer friends which are of the left leaning persuasion clearly fall into this category. in fact, they are much more idealistic, caring, kind, pleasant, environmentally sensitive and nice to puppies than i am. i really think they want the world and particularly this country to change the way they function in very fundamental ways. idealogs live in the world of "how we wish things were", or "how things could be if only everyone wasn't so self serving and heartless" i, unfortunately, am forced to admit i prefer the world view that i believe god set this country up for; which is to use our nature - that of personal self interest - and our freedom from government tyranny - to voluntarily look after ourselves, our family, and our neighbors - to be that shining city on the hill and a beacon to all nations, to be free to prosper or fail. No other nation has ever done more good for so many by so few and asked so little in return. i just hope the "change" so many seek doesn't result in us no longer being able to recognize how fortunate we are to be part of this great experiment of democracy.
As you all can see from Dave's early morning post (3:30 a.m.), that we indeed had a lengthy discussion of his attitude and that he has changed it slightly. Let's all hope for a kinder and gentler Dave.
Wendy (wife of the semi-repentant
but still opinionated Dave)
AMEN Jason. You hit it perfectly.
I love that you stirred things up. Too bad when people are so far off track from the truth. Everyone does have their own opinions, but they are wrong if they are off from what you are saying. And I won't apologize. Keep fighting for what you believe. My mom is in California, and she is having people scream hatemonger at her about the Prop 8 issue. I can't people have strayed so far, and feel so right. God bless this nation.
Hey Jason. Check this one out!
Kevan Anderson
Actually, Matt said...
Jason, I've been hearing about your blog for a while now and finally read it. As of now, prop 8 passed with a "yes" and Obama has been elected. I agree with most of what you said and want to post a quote I think aligns with your views: "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
- Winston Churchill
Having added that, I think if we look at the BIG picture, US government for the most part (Democrat & Republican) has become a very different creature since inception. When you couple "unequal sharing of blessings" with selfishness and greed you get what we have here today. As I recently heard on the radio, none of these bigwig politicians is in touch with the reality of the common American (Palin is probably the only thing close to an exception). Furthermore, I believe the MAJORITY of common Americans believes whatever mainstream media reports, which means these people have a very skewed sense of fact. And here we are. Anyway, Kristi is making me end this now buh bye.
Jason, I loved it man. I cannot for the life of me understand why we want socialism in this country. We are creating a country in which we want the government to hold our hands. Bah! Would you be interested in supporting my campaign to become the governor of Montana and then secede from the union? I will adopt the original US constitution and actually live by it.
Well... I liked the Wendy and Dave exchange the best... My wife is always apologizing for my direct comments so I can totally relate. Funny. Anyway, Jason, I miss you. It's been too long. To your 25th percentile neighbors... Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't true. That annoyingly simple statement applies to 98% of everything Jason said on here. I dock him 2% for overly pro-BYU football rhetoric. :) But, hey.... I'm an SEC guy
Your friend,
David Johnson
Dad, Husband, Son, Business Owner, Employer, (more than my fair share)Tax Payer, Sinner, Die Hard LDS Member, RM, Rap Music Fan, hater of winter scout camps, Social Moderate (tipping further to the right by the day)/Fiscal Conservative, Gun Owner (several...including 2 sweet assault rifles...just TRY to take them), Ballet fan (if my daughter is with me), more stuff you don't care about..............................
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