Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Late Father's Day???

Sunday morning Jason woke up with the kids, fed them breakfast, and got them ready for the day. I slept in until 11 a.m., walked downstairs, and noticed a plate of pancakes and hashbrowns on the counter. "Oh, you made breakfast?" I asked Jason. Very kindly he said, "Yah, it's Father's Day and I wanted a nice breakfast." OUCH!!! No, I did not forget it was fathers day...worse, I was just thoughtless. I knew I had to work Sunday night from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. so I thought I should sleep in so I wouldn't be as tired staying up all night. Bad excuse.

Since I also did not give Jason a Father's Day gift, yes I'm a loser, I think he deserves this post describing what a great dad he is...a gift I'm sure he's always wanted. (You know men, they love the blog scene.)

Jason is a great dad simply by being a tremendous example. By just watching him our kids are absorbing life lessons that affect them now and are shaping who they will be in the future. By watching Jason they are learning how to:

  • love and respect others
  • be faithful and committed in their religion
  • work hard and be self sufficient
  • keep priorities straight
  • share in household responsibilites...men can clean bathrooms, scrub floors, bathe kids, do laundry, cook :)
  • enjoy hobbies and interests
  • love family and friend activities

I asked the kids to tell me what they thought about their dad:
Chandler said, “He’s taught me to not be lazy, that I should discipline my kids and not let them do whatever they want. He’s taught me that I shouldn’t sit around all day, instead I should go places with my family.”
Ashtyn said, “He’s funny and nice. He has BBQ’s, gives us baths, prepares food, reads us books, and he sits by us. He helps me do homework and piano. He is patient and plays with me.”
Morgan said, “He helps people and he helps me when I’m sick. He makes us breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes he helps us clean the playroom.”

I think you’re an awesome dad too. Thanks Jason!!! (Your my best friend.)


jared said...

your too good to be true PAT aka Jason. Stop making the rest of us guys look pathetic.

Now if you only believed in Mother Earth and Global destruction/warming

Casey Hyer Photography said...

Way to go Jason! All of that is true. I love Chandler's comment about discipline. Funny . . .

Jess said...

That was a lovely tribute, Suzanne. And big delicious breakfasts come and go, but blogs live on forever! Okay... you know I am kidding, right? I LOVE food! :)
p.s. Does Jason give classes?

Ed and Susan said...

Great tribute for Jason, Suz. Glad you appreciate a good man. Not surprised at his good qualities, just glad he has a wife who admired them.

Luv ya both

Mom & Dad